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Alparslan Babaoğlu


Alparslan Babaoğlu was born in Ankara in 1957. He completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara and Erzurum. In 1979, he graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering from the UK, where he studied on a government scholarship, and in 1980, he completed his master's degree in the same field before returning to Turkey. After a career as an executive in a public institution, Alparslan Babaoğlu retired in 2011, dedicating himself fully to the art of Ebru, which he had previously pursued in his spare time. He now conducts research on traditional Ebru techniques and teaches this art at various institutions. He is married with two children and is currently in the thesis stage of his doctoral studies in the History Department at Istanbul University’s Faculty of Literature, focusing on the history of Ebru.


In 1984, while attending the Topkapı Palace Embroidery Workshop, he began practicing Ebru and has continued this practice faithfully under the guidance of his master ever since.


In 1985, he met his master, Mustafa Düzgünman, and in 1989, he received permission (icazet) from him to practice and teach the art of Ebru.


His book "EBRÛ İSTANBUL" was published by Istanbul Municipality's Cultural Affairs Directorate in 2008, and his book "TÜRK EBRÛSU" was published by the Foundation for Classical Turkish Arts in 2017. His book "DOĞUMUNUN 100. YILINDA HOCAM MUSTAFA DÜZGÜNMAN" was published by AlBaraka Publishing in 2021. Another book, "EBRÛNUN MEHMETLERİ-TÜRK EBRÛSUNUN TARİHİ," is set to be published by Kubbealtı Publishing.


He has taught Ebru at Marmara University’s Faculty of Fine Arts in the Department of Traditional Turkish Decorative Arts and at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University’s Faculty of Fine Arts. He currently continues his teaching activities at the Foundation for Classical Turkish Arts.


His works are included in collections at the Turkish Presidency, the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey, the Central Bank of Turkey, AlBaraka Türk, and Kuveyt Türk, as well as in museums and numerous private collections.


He was awarded the 2013 Culture and Art Grand Prize by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.


In 2021, he received the UNESCO Living Human Treasures Award from the Ministry of Culture.


Solo Exhibitions, Major Group Exhibitions, and Workshops:


- 2022: Hezârfen Necmeddin Okyay Tribute Exhibition

- 2018: Invited Solo Exhibition, Sharjah Art Festival

- 2018: Invited Solo Exhibition and group installation, Istanbul Yeditepe Biennial

- 2018: Invited Solo Exhibition, Kuveyt Türk Banking Headquarters

- 2017: Invited Workshop, Yunus Emre Institute, Vienna

- 2017: Invited Workshop, Yunus Emre Institute, Berlin

- 2017: Workshop, University of Warsaw Library and Yunus Emre Institute

- 2016: Solo Exhibition, Istanbul National Palaces Exhibition Hall

- 2016: Group Exhibition, AlBaraka Türk Collection, Warsaw State Archives

- 2016: Invited Solo Exhibition, Warsaw State Archives

- 2015: Invited Workshop, Istanbul Design Center

- 2015: Invited Workshop, Yunus Emre Institute, Warsaw

- 2015: Solo Exhibition, Istanbul National Palaces Exhibition Hall

- 2014: Invited Workshop, Istanbul Design Center

- 2014: Exhibition of Central Bank Collection (with Salih Balakbabalar)

- 2013: Invited Workshop, Warsaw State Archives

- 2012: Invited Solo Exhibition and 2 Workshops, Sharjah Art Festival

- 2011: Solo Exhibition, Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall Foyers

- 1999: Solo Exhibition, Yıldız Palace Çit Kasrı

- 1991: Invited Solo Exhibition, Hitit Festival, Çorum

- 1990: Solo Exhibition, Topkapı Palace

- 1990: Invited Solo Exhibition and Workshop, Washington DC


He has participated in numerous group exhibitions.

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